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YWAM Values

1) Know God

2) Make God known

3) Hear God's voice

4) Practice worship and intercessory prayer

5) Be visionary

6) Champion young people

7) Be decentralized

8) Be international and interdenominational

9) Have a biblical Christian worldview

10) Function in teams

11) Exhibit servant leadership

12) Do first, then teach

13) Be relationship-oriented

14) Value the individual

15) Value families

16) Practice dependence on God

17) Practice hospitality

18) Communicate with integrity

Statement of Faith

We of Youth With A Mission believe that the Bible is God's inspired and authoritative Word, revealing that Jesus Christ is God's Son;


that people are created in God's image;


that He created us to have eternal life through Jesus Christ;


that although all people have sinned and come short of God's glory, God has made salvation possible through the death on the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ;


that repentance, faith, love and obedience are fitting responses to God's initiative of grace towards us;


that God desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the Truth;


and that the Holy Spirit's power is demonstrated in and through us for the accomplishment of Christ's last commandment,

"Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation." (Mark 16:15).

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